Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Peeled Complete Guide To SEO Complete Youtube

For colleagues who wrestle with the world of internet marketing would already understand very well the influence and strength of video sharing sites Youtube. As an illustration only, Youtube is one site with the largest number of daily visitors under Google as well as social media up.
In addition, this site also successfully became the second largest search engine after Google, with the number of searches reach 30 million searches every day! Not excessive then if many IMers call Youtube as one of the most potential dredge fields.
From there then a lot of thinking and find out what kind of way to win the competition for video search on Youtube site. One of them certainly involves the role of search engine optimization aka SEO.
And almost the same as the techniques applied to Google search results, in fact there are some special tricks that we can use to get a search position on Youtube pejwan .
In this guide, we will learn some important points to win the search competition on the first page of Youtube site. Apply some points to the maximum and see the results in some time to come.
Immediately, let's start from the first point!

Trick 1: Find Video Keyword

As I have said before, that basically SEO techniques applied on Youtube is not too different when compared with Google. The first stage we have to find keywords, or keyword cool keyword research.
But unlike the keyword search for Google, we have to find what is called Video Keyword. Video Keyword is a keyword that is not only searched through Youtube but also appears on the first page of Google search results.
To make it easier, colleagues can see the image below:
It can be seen that the keyword "cutest cat" shows Google first page search results filled with Youtube videos. Keywords like this can be categorized as video keywords, because not only searched through Youtube, videos with these keywords will also appear in the first page of Google search results.
In general there are several types of video keywords namely:
  • Keyword How to (explain how to create or do something)
  • Keyword Review (reviewing the product or something)
  • Keyword Tutorial (explaining steps or a process)
  • Keyword Fitness (generally related to sports or fitness)
  • Keyword Funny Video (about funny videos)
Of course many ask then why video keyword is so important?
Simply put, you can imagine if you can find a keyword that is not only searched through Youtube but also searched through Google, and your video will appear on the first page of Google, certainly the potential of getting views and engagement would be bigger instead.
How to search for keyword video
After knowing what kind of video keyword, then how to look for it?
The easiest way is certainly as shown in the previous figure. We just look for a number of keywords related to Youtube channel that we will develop.
Once we find a number of keywords, we can directly search on Google. If there is a Youtube video that appears on the first page of Google search results, then the keyword is very appropriate for you to target.
Bonus Tip s: try later on the video keyword has monthly search amount at least 300 . The trick of course we can see through the facilities Google Keyword planner or use other keyword research facilities. Because monthly search numbers 300 have potential traffic flow that is good enough.
Greater? Of course the more mantab. But remember also the competition, guys.

Trick 2: Create Interesting Youtube Videos And Channels

Once we know about the secret video keyword, the next step is to create a video and an interesting Youtube channel. At this stage, we will try to make a good impression on the eyes of Youtube and viewers through the videos and channels we create.
If we talk about video quality, maybe many think that good video is always made with good recorder equipment too. In fact it is not always like that, even if we do not have a qualified camera equipment, we still have a chance to create a video with the concept of screen capture aka record activity on our computer screen, or it could also create video Slideshow.
Previously emphasized that, this tutorial is more directing how to build quality video and channels without using banned SEO techniques.
Most importantly, we know some of the main focuses that serve as youtube benchmarks for ranking our video.
1. Ranking Factors
First of all, we must understand that the video on Youtube does not work like a blog or website in terms of ranking. If in Google, there is a term backlink that can be used to determine the quality of a blog or website, Youtube nothing like it (except embbed video on blog or other site).
Of particular concern are the following points:
  • Video Retention
Video retention is a percentage of how many people view our video then look back at our other videos. The more people who come back to watch our videos, the better our Youtube ranking. This data can be observed in the dashboard of our Youtube account.
  • Comment
All comments that go into a video can be a marker that the video does have an impact on the audience who eventually placed Youtube in the top position. Regardless of these positive or negative comments, I strongly recommend that you actively respond to incoming comments.
  • Thumbs up / Thumbs down
The likes button at the bottom of the video, also a major judgment of a video judged good or not in the eyes of Youtube.
  • Subscribe
Very often we hear, channels with large subscriber can generally get on the first page of Youtube search results more easily. Especially if many of our video viewers who then directly subscribe after watching our video, the effect will be more maknyos again.
  • Share
The more viewers who share our video through social media or other popular sites, the chances are our videos can poke in the top of the search results.
So maximize all those points. In a way? .... Read advanced ya.
2. Create Video Over 5 Minutes
If we look back, many of the videos that appear on the first page of Youtube search results, the length is more than 5 minutes. Even some of them reach more than 1 hour.
Perhaps most of us would have trouble making videos too long. But the 5 minutes, is the minimum that we should try. In theory, generally longer is certainly better.
However, this is without putting aside the quality of our video lo ya! Because you can imagine, if we make a video that is forced too long and in fact not really interesting, then the audience also will not hesitate to immediately leave our video or even press the dislike button.
3. Dress Up Youtube Channel
This is not much realized by those who want to exist on Youtube. Generally they only focus on how to make videos only. But there is one more secret, namely by making Youtube channel that looks professional, because it turns out the complete channel view is also a consideration Youtube to "lift" the position of our video.
So what to do?
First we can add, a complete link from our social media account or website. This link will appear in the " About " section of our channel.
Then do not forget, add an image from the channel. These images include logos, as well as larger wall images. Additional tips are, to further strengthen the SEO factor, give the image file name with the keywords that we aim in the development of Youtube channel.
Next, remember to add a description of your channel. In this description we can include the purpose of making a channel or explanation of the theme of the video is much raised. In it we can also add words that are LSI or derivatives of the keywords that we aim at. We can use free tools like LSIgraph.com or others.
4. Create Custom Thumbnails
The thumbnails of the videos we create in fact also have a tremendous effect on the development of the video, although it does not directly affect the Youtube ranking, at least it is very influential on our audience. It would be better if we make custom Thumbnails.
To note, create custom Thumbnails that are able to attract the curiosity of the audience to open your video. But do not use a custom trap thumbnails, with the actual image has nothing to do with the contents of our video. (Let alone picture p0rn * and sebanganya)
This will only aggravate our image in the eyes of the audience.
5. Create A Playlist
Playlist is a list of some videos with the same theme. And it turns out this feature also contributes to the SEO factor is quite thick and certainly we can use.
The easiest way is to create a playlist with the title of the keyword we are shooting. After that, we can include some videos that we have.
Bonus Tips : we can add some videos from other channels that have similar themes and the video is quite popular.
Indirectly, this playlist will also make our videos appear in the " related video " list of popular videos that we include in the playlist. And it is not impossible that the playlist will appear on the search results Youtube, which means we will also get additional views. Legit!

Trick 3: Build On Page SEO

At this stage, there are some things we need to consider that include the file name, title, description and tags of the video that we upload.
  • File Name
The first about the name, make sure the name of the video file that we upload contains the keywords that we are targeting. Such as if we target the keyword "weight loss tips" we can write the file name weight_loss_tips_video.mp4 or with another video extension.
  • Video Title
Then the second, the video title. Lots of info is scattered, calling that the title of the video should begin with the keywords that we aim at. But sometimes, sometimes the keyword is considered less fit if written at the beginning of the video title.
In addition, from my observations in some search results Youtube keywords, many also incoming video first page line, in fact not write the keyword at the beginning of the video title.
Therefore, it may be best to keep keywords in the title of the video, at least in the beginning not too late.
  • Video description
Next on the video description, here is actually the most important part. Because the video description, is part of our video that can be "read" by the Youtube system. Therefore if we, want to get the first position in Youtube search results, try to write a description that is not only longyou are also complete .
In full, here's a template from the Youtube video description you can use:
  1. For the beginning of the description, put a link from our video.
  2. Enter some targeted keywords in the initial 25 words.
  3. Make a description, at least as long as 250 words, the longer the better.
  4. Use also derived keywords or LSI to enrich our video descriptions.
  5. Enter Link if necessary, such as video we discuss reviews, can we enter the link from the affiliate product, or something else.
  • Tags Video
And the last one is the tags. This is also a very important part because the tags are a description of the video that determines how Youtube positions your video.
Bonus Tips : One small tip that may not have been known, we can take advantage of services from VidIQ extensions. For those who do not know can listen to the following video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jir6dAkff0 ), in general VidIQ can help us find out information related to a video as well as tags used by videos that have mastered the first page for Certain keyword search results.
Later we live cheat tags-tags are then included in our video. Plus, one more tip, enter also the channel name of the popular videos that are in the top sequence. Its function is, so we get in on the video suggestions related from the popular video.

Trick 4: Promote Video

After applying a set of tips that have been discussed above, then we can directly promote the video to get views of course. In this case, again what is emphasized is how to build videos and Youtube channels in 100% white hat aka official way.
It is not advisable to buy services of views or use ways that include black or gray hat.
Actually in the previous article, we have already discussed about this. So, there are several ways we can take to promote our video.
The first through the forum
There is no better place than online forums, to introduce the videos we have created. Simply put is an online forum containing people who have the same interests in a particular theme or area.
If we have a video that matches the theme, and it is useful, of course the forum users will be very happy to see your video. Not only that, we can also build a good name in the eyes of netizens.
In addition we can also use question and answer sites such as Yahoo Answer or better is Quora , because Quora contains more questions and answers are credible.

We can put our video in the answer of a question related to the keywords that we aim at. Or better yet, if we can directly embed the video in our answer.

Alternatively, we can include video links on our personal blog posts as well as email signatures. Be creative.
And the most effective for video promotion, of course through social media sites , can Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other social media. The trick is certainly very easy, we can promote directly on our personal account, or on groups and certain pages, which of course is still associated with the theme of our video. Remember, do not be spammy!
Complete already, guide on SEO techniques for Youtube videos. Apply all these tips or at least select some tips that you can do with the maximum. Be consistent and see the results.
Have additional tips? May dong share in comment field.

Hopefully useful and good luck.

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