Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Guide to Developing SEO For Beginner Sites, Try Yes

There is a question from a flower business owner, who wants to try to introduce his business through blogs.
When asked, about what and how SEO is run, I try to explain, but in the end he just "wilted" because he felt his blog is still very small even never visited by visitors at all.

On the other hand, he also claimed to have no capital to run investments in the # SEO field .
Then how the solution? Do we run blogs just like that, without having to pay attention to SEO?
Of course not.
We still must and must run efforts to optimize search engine SEO alias.
The reason is very simple, basically SEO is an effort to make our site or blog more " seen ". When at a point where our site has not been visited by potential customers, this is the right time to start so that our site can be found by consumers.
Even some of the world's great internet marketers, argue that SEO is one of the most cost effective marketing methods.
Especially for small business owners, who certainly do not have big capital, SEO is the best weapon to try.
Unlike the big players who already have the capital to advertise, small businesses tend to require effort that is heavy at the beginning, but able to give prolonged results.
In fact, when we write an article, it is not impossible that the article will continue to bring visitors despite being written many years ago. This happens very often on large sites that are initially also just regular sites.
So there's no excuse for those who have a business and want to introduce it online, not to start learning and implement SEO techniques.
Do not worry, slowly but surely the traffic will come alone.
And here are some ways you can start to run SEO efforts for you, the owners of beginner sites.

Develop Content Strategy

As an initial technique, content strategy is not an easy thing to run. It takes a lot of preparation and steps to take.
But one that is certain, this one technique is very feasible and will give results if run with the maximum.
Content strategy can be interpreted as a step of making and optimizing the content that we have. From there, in fact many website owners or blogs are hesitant to run the content strategy because of the many jobs to be done later.
If indeed you do not have a strong desire to develop an online-based business, it may be hard to run it.
However, if it is already intent, the first thing you must understand is that consumers currently need a satisfactory answer is not a perfunctory content.
Everyone can certainly write in a certain field, but not everyone can make quality writing and able to really provide solutions to consumer problems.
This is called the content authority .
For example for the field of internet marketers, sites like Backlinko and CopyBlogger are sites that develop a lot of quality content. They are capable of being a great site not because they post a lot of content, but they carefully post the content authority.
This kind of content is slowly but surely putting the site in a position above other competitors. The key is, provide content that is capable of answering problems or other things that develop in a particular field.
With the support of data and exposure that can be easily understood, then we will get the title as "experts" in the field.
Next step, then how to create content authority it?
It's easy, there are only 2 steps.
  1. Think about what to write
  2. Then write it down.
That's it, that's it.
Its detail step,
First look for the relationship between the product or service you are developing, with what the customer is looking for .
For this problem, we can not directly search for keyword research efforts, we must think through a broader perspective.
Think in advance, what are the advantages of our products or services, and whether they can solve consumer problems. This is the initial thought to start creating content.
Each consumer will experience three stages, ranging from awarness or recognition, consideration or approach and decision or decision making.
We have to think of every thing that comes to the mind of the consumer while at every stage.
As a real example: We Want to develop an SEO strategy for a dentist service. Then what would be sought by consumers who need a dentist through an online facility?
Can be:
Clinic of the nearest dentist
Cheap dentist clinic
Nearest 24-hour dentist
Special pediatric dentist
Is the dental examination sick?
And many more.
Try to think more about what consumers are looking for through search engines. From there start creating the appropriate content.
Other ways can be heard through sites that provide reviews for similar services. There we can pay attention to the comments given by consumers.
From these comments sometimes tucked into some things that may be a consumer problem. This is what we must develop into content.
Content Creation Process
Once we find out what consumers need or search through search engines, the next step is to create content that answers all those questions and needs.
The first thing to note is the length of the writing. It has been proven that, to create content authority we have to write long content.
It's no longer his time, writing short content in massive amounts. The reader will be more comfortable if the content he read is able to provide a detailed and thorough explanation.
So what about keyword research ?
How to search keywords through existing methods, slowly begin to shift.
As mentioned earlier, to successfully create content authority we must be able to focus our content on the subject matter, what is in need and what is the problem of the consumer.
It's not just about word phrases anymore, it's about how we provide what consumers need.
But that does not mean we have to forget the keyword research completely. We still need it, but it must be modified in such a way.
Tips for building a successful content strategy
Here are some things that must be considered for later content strategy that we run able to run with the maximum.
Firstly , do not set too many targets. Do not think to directly create a large site, make a lot of emails or maybe take the target of bringing in too many consumers.
It would be better if we just focus on one thing only but run it to the maximum.
The best recommendation is to create a blog alias blogging . In addition to run at no cost, ie through blogging services such as Blogspot or WordPress, blogging is also now showing its strength, especially for business to introduce business.
Next, what should also be learned is to apply long tail keywords. For the uninitiated, basically long tail keyword is a kind of keyword long enough. This is also appropriate as we discussed earlier about what consumers are likely to find or need.
Secondly , plan time to write the content, get one or two articles per week. It would be better if we can produce more writing than the target so that later we have a backup of content.
Run the plan well. If we have planned posting 2 content per week then run it that way.
Third , try to develop another type of content. The type of content here is the theme you are trying to lift on your blog.
When we have mastered a theme, try to develop yourself by adding another theme. This can certainly be a reason for visitors to keep visiting your blog.
Lastly , share your content. When we talk about online marketing, we can not just make "weapons", but we also have to learn how to use these weapons.
Like content as a weapon, we must use it by spreading the content. Where? One of the easiest of course through social media.
In addition to offering enormous potential, sharing content through social media is also free and easy to do. We can introduce the content we have created, on Facebook or Twitter. Or can also take advantage of social network sites, as well as sites that deal directly with the industry we are working on.
For those who are familiar with services such as Quora and Medium . You can try it, because the 2 services are currently getting great attention from netizens, especially for colleagues who target consumers from around the world.
The thing that should not be forgotten is, do not be in a hurry in doing all the steps that have been given above. Because to create content that is really good and is an authority, it is a long process.
However, if we succeed in creating content that can suck consumer confidence, then we have built a strong foundation for success in the future.

Keeping Good Relationships With Consumers

If the first process of marketing only goes one way, such as advertising in print, television or many other electronic media, currently the marketing process is not like that.
Marketing is something that is interactive. There is a connection between business and consumers that can not be missed.
Colleagues may also be familiar to see through social media, more and more business brands that appear to communicate with consumers. Or, maybe the bloggers who establish friendship through reply to comments or through the forum.
This is the reason why we should maintain good relationships with consumers.
Then what to do with SEO?
Very closely.
First we must understand that the main purpose of SEO actually is.
  • Bring in traffic
  • Consumer opinion
  • And, build authority
These three goals are the brainchild of renowned internet marketer, Neil Patel .
And to get all that, we need the trust of our consumers or our online followers. If they believe, will be easy for us to get traffic, they also do not mind to share our own content through social media or other networking sites.
Gradually, we will get a position as a site authority with full trust.
As an encouragement, to build a kind of authority is not only monopolized by businesses or those who have big capital. Everyone has the same opportunity.
It starts with demography
Going into a more technical discussion, the closest way to achieve that is to recognize and analyze the demographics of our potential customers. For this one matter, we can actually take advantage of the features of Google, Google Analytics .
The way is easy, we go on the reporting tab, then select Audience> Demographics> Overview.
There will be some information that can be utilized related to consumer demography. Inside there is information about age, gender and so forth.
Then no less interesting is, Google Analytics also has other important data that is related to the intrest or interest consumers.
Located below the demographic section, click on interest then an overview.
There we can see a lot of data. Like the example below.
In the Affinity Categories section , is a topic of what if our visitors liked.

Next section In-Market Segments , shows the consumer segmentation of the most likely to make the purchase of our business products.
And in the last section, Other Categories , displays more detailed information related to whether the theme is liked by visitors to our site.
Once we know what visitors want and need, we must target them to continue to visit our site.
This goal, can be run if we want to start to gain the trust of a few visitors first. Although previously we have no visitors at all, no problem. Because of the few visitors, slowly SEO efforts that we run will build a source of greater and greater traffic.

Site Optimization For Mobile Devices

What many marketers misunderstand is, mobile version sites and mobile-friendly sites are two things in common.
Though the reality is not, the mobile version of the site is something separate from its desktop version. That is, we will have two locations for different types of devices.
On the other hand, if we develop a mobile-friendly site, it means we give freedom to consumers or readers to choose to enjoy our content either through desktop devices or mobile devices.
One example is to have a responsive template .
What are simple tips, make a mobile site design that is easily accessible. Because of using smaller devices, it is sometimes difficult for consumers to choose a choice whether it's a menu, or a specific button on our site.
Therefore, make it with a clearer shape if we want to display the CTA button or for other purposes. In addition, the font size of writing should also be made larger to be comfortable to read.
Avoid using pop ups
Pop ups are site features that are used to display certain information spontaneously through visual appearance. But apparently, there are many problems if we apply this feature on the mobile display.
This problem is also taken seriously by the Google search engine, which assumes that the use of pop ups can affect the performance of sites that eventually lower the ranking.
How many examples of annoying pop ups like below.
The recommendation is, it's better to play it safe by not using pop ups. Or we can replace with a CTA button that does not interfere with the reader.
Optimizing the mobile site, next we can take advantage of services such as Varvy to know the performance of our site primarily deal with mobile display. Varvy will score how good the performance of our mobile site.
In addition, this service also provides suggestions that can be done by site owners to better optimize the performance of the site.
Explanation given was arguably quite complete so it is appropriate to be listened to, for colleagues want to deepen mobile SEO .
In closing, we should not start an effort to introduce online businesses with large capital. We can start from what we have, and build it slowly.
Learning about SEO, blogging or site development, may take a long time. However, the knowledge seems very valuable, especially when the development of the online industry is very developed as it is today.
Although you're still very new about SEO in 2017, it's not impossible that a few years later you become one of the people who master this field, as many other competitors just started it.

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