Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Ionic - Tabs

Tabs are a useful pattern for any navigation type or selecting different pages inside your app. The same tabs will appear at the top of the screen for Android devices and at the bottom for IOS devices.

Using Tabs

Tabs can be added to the app by using ion-tabs as a container element and ion-tab as a content element. We will add it to the index.html, but you can add it to any HTML file inside your app. Just be sure not to add it inside the ion-content to avoid CSS issues that comes with it.

index.html Code

<ion-tabs class = "tabs-icon-only">

   <ion-tab title = "Home" icon-on = "ion-ios-filing" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-filing-outline"></ion-tab>

   <ion-tab title = "About" icon-on = "ion-ios-home" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-home-outline"></ion-tab>

   <ion-tab title = "Settings" icon-on = "ion-ios-star" 
      icon-off = "ion-ios-star-outline"></ion-tab>

The output will look as shown in the following screenshot.
Ionic Javascript Tabs
There is API available for ion-tab elements. You can add it as attributes as showed in example above where we used titleicon-on and icon-off. The last two are used to differentiate selected tab from the rest of it. If you look at the image above, you can see that first tab is selected. You can check the rest of the attributes in the following table.

Tab Attributes

titlestringThe title of the tab.
hrefstringThe link used for tab navigation.
iconstringThe icon of the tab.
icon-onstringThe icon of the tab when selected.
icon-offstringThe icon of the tab when not selected.
badgeexpressionThe badge for the tab.
badge-styleexpressionThe badge style for the tab.
on-selectexpressionCalled when tab is selected
on-deselectexpressionCalled when tab is deselected
hiddenexpressionUsed to hide the tab.
disabledexpressionUsed to disable the tab.
Tabs also have its own delegate service for easier control of all the tabs inside the app. It can be injected in the controller and has several methods, which are shown in the following table.

Delegate Methods

selectedIndex()/numberReturns the index of the selected tab.
Used to connect methods to the particular tab view with the same handle. Handle can be added to ion-tabs by usingdelegate-handle = "my-handle" attribute.

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