Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Ionic - JavaScript Slide Box

A Slide box contains pages that can be changed by swiping the content screen.

Using Slide Box

The usage of the slide box is simple. You just need to add ion-slide-box as a container and ion-slide with box class inside that container. We will add height and border to our boxes for better visibility.



      <div class = "box box1">
         <h1>Box 1</h1>

      <div class = "box box2">
         <h1>Box 2</h1>

      <div class = "box box3">
         <h1>Box 3</h1>


.box1, box2, box3 {
   height: 300px;
   border: 2px solid blue;
The Output will look as shown in the following screenshot −
Ionic Javascript Slide Box 1
We can change the box by dragging the content to the right. We can also drag to the left to show the previous box.
Ionic Javascript Slide Box 2
A few attributes that can be used for controlling slide box behavior are mentioned in the following table.

Delegate Methods

does-continueBooleanShould slide box loop when first or last box is reached.
auto-playBooleanShould slide box automatically slide.
slide-intervalnumberTime value between auto slide changes in milliseconds. Default value is 4000.
show-pagerBooleanShould pager be visible.
pager-clickexpressionCalled when a pager is tapped (if pager is visible). $index is used to match with different slides.
on-slide-changedexpressionCalled when slide is changed. $index is used to match with different slides.
active-slideexpressionUsed as a model to bind the current slide index to.
delegate-handlestringUsed for slide box identification with $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.

Slide Box Delegate

The $ionicSlideBoxDelegate is a service used for controlling all slide boxes. We need to inject it to the controller.

Controller Code

.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
   $scope.nextSlide = function() {


<button class = "button button-icon icon ion-navicon" ng-click = "nextSlide()"></button>
The following table shows $ionicSlideBoxDelegate methods.

Delegate Methods

slide(parameter1, parameter2)to, speednumber, numberParameter to represents the index to slide to. speed determines how fast is the change in milliseconds.
enableSlide(parameter1)shouldEnablebooleanUsed for enambling or disabling sliding.
previous(parameter1)speednumberThe value in miliseconds the change should take.
stop()//Used to stop the sliding.
start()//Used to start the sliding.
currentIndex()/numberReturns index of the curent slide.
slidesCount()/numberReturns total number of the slides.
Used to connect methods to the particular slide box with the same handle.
$ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle ('my-handle').start();

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