Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Photography Hobby, Upload Your Work In Some of The Following Sites

Photography is one of the most fun hobbies. Capturing moments through camera shots, not only gives joy but is also capable of being one of the alternatives looking for additional revenue. From this is not surprising if many of our society today who want to explore the hobby # photography .
However, for those who already have a long experience in the world of viewfinder this one image, certainly not only make photography as a hobby alone. Some professional photographers even rely on life through the activity.
Interestingly, there are now many online sites that can be utilized by the photographers as a media publisher of work or online portfolio. For colleagues who have interest in photography, it seems very fitting to listen to the article about some of the following special photographers site.

1. SmugMug

The first site is SmugMug. This site can be regarded as a professional site, because in it the photographers can run a variety of activities to display the work with a shape like a separate site.
The advantages of this SmugMug is offering large storage that is quite a relief. Additionally photos uploaded in SmugMug can be arranged for an interesting display like showcase, or regular display form. Operation is also quite easy, which can be through the desktop or mobile app # .

2. Website Folio

The second site namely Folio Website, the main service of this site is to create a website with a simple theme but it is considered sufficient to accommodate the needs of the display of photography works.
Unlike previous sites, Folio Website can be customized according to usage needs. Interestingly, this site can be used for free although there is also a premium option to get additional features.
But that is not less important from this site is, the service that can be accessed freely within the international scope. The relationships created through the photography community around the world, to be a very dear potential to miss.

3. Zenfolio

The next site is, Zenfolio which is a website auto generate special website for the photographer. This site emphasizes the ease for future photographers ranging from amateurs to professionals can still enjoy all the features that are served.
What is interesting about this site is its services that have been classified according to the stage of the photographer himself. For those who are still staged learning, there are special packages that certainly dibandrol with more affordable prices. However, in terms of quality of this site much recommended by overseas photographers.

4. PhotoShelter

If you work as a photographer, PhotoShelter site is certainly very fitting for you to use. In addition to easy to operate, PhotoShelter does have features that are designed to monetize the work of our photo shots.
Unlimited storage capacity, as well as photography buying and selling facilities can all be done in one place, through PhotoShelter service. Photography buying and selling system is what makes PhotoShelter widely used as a marketplace of photographers. In addition, if we want to showcase the results of photography to big brands or clients who need photography services, we can do more quickly because of the bidding system owned by this site.

5. Foliolink

And the last site for photography activists to display his work is Foliolink. Almost the same as the previous sites, Foliolink is also reserved for professionals who need a place to display photo work online.
Features offered quite complete, ranging from photo editing like resize, crop, border and so forth. In addition to organize photos, Drag and Drop feature will be very helpful especially if the photos we upload are quite a lot.
For those who are used to selling photography, Foliolink is also quite appropriate to use. Because it already includes features commerce that will automatically be integrated with third party purchases.
All the above sites you can try to maximize the hobby of photography. Good luck.

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