Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Business Opportunities for the Cultivation of Dragon Fruit, How to Nursery to Important Care

Dragon Fruit Cultivation - Had a shock when on the way to the Red Island Banyuwangi there are so many orchards dragon in almost every house. Interestingly, when returning from the tourist attractions (already dusk at the time), dragon fruit garden is given a lamp on each pole.
So the impression is like an impromptu night market but in fact it is just a dragon fruit garden. According to my uncle, it is done by dragon fruit farmers in order to harvest all the year.
Out of curiosity, I tried to find information and finally found some facts about the cultivation of dragon fruit. Here's a quick review.

Nursery Up to Care of Dragon Fruit Cultivation

1. Dragon Fruit Nursery
Dragon fruit nursery in general is done by cuttings. This method is faster because it does not take long from small until growing big. But if it is difficult to find seeds, dragon fruit can actually be planted with seeds.
  • First of all, take the dragon fruit flesh. If you want to direct a lot of no problems, which is important later container is larger so as not to bother moving.
  • Wash dragon fruit flesh with water for seeds and meat to separate. After that, try filtering with a special cloth filter so that the rest of the meat can be completely loose and water content lost.
  • Then, wind with the fan to dry quickly.
  • If you have, try to prepare a cup filled with small pebbles that have been clean. Then, fill the cup with soil until approximately 3/4 cup size. The land does not have to bother, can take in the yard of the house.
  • Place the cookie cake in the center of the cup and fill the edge of the cup with a fine pebble.
  • After that, sprinkle the dragon fruit seeds into the cookie cutter.
  • Flush the cup to taste (not to flood and muddy), then cover using plastic wrap.
  • Everyday, open this plastic wrap then wet with enough water.
  • Nega fruit seedlings will generally grow about 1 week. When it appears shoots, do not close, just kept the moisture content of the soil.
  • If it is quite dense, around the age of 2 weeks, flush the faithful day and move outdoors in order to light enough.
  • Move this dragon fruit seeds to the ground when they are 4-5 months old.
2. Soil Processing
The soil used should be loose and clean of weeds and grasses. Decide also whether you use a single or group climbing system. For single climbing media, use 5kg of sand, 5kg red brick, 10kg manure and 300gr dolomite mixed well and use this on one planting hole only.
What if the group system, 8kg of sand, 20kg manure, 10 kg red brick powder and dolomite as much as 600 gr.Use this mix every 4 meters lane. Then flush the plant and let it exposed to sunlight and dry it so the soil is free of toxins.
3. Method Watering
Dancers should not be excessive because it can make rotting fruit stems. But also adjust to the condition of the land and the way of planting.
May use the leb system by creating trenches that have 20cm diversity or pipes that can be used to irrigate whole plants.
4. How to Plant / Move Seeds on Land
Make sure the depth is about 20% of the seed pan. When the length of 50-80cm, the depth of seeds on the ground about 10-15cm. Do not forget to smeared Ridomil 40 gr that has been diluted with 1 liter of water so that stems do not quickly rot.
5. How to Treat Dragon Fruit
In order for the business of dragon fruit cultivation does not quickly die, make sure to take good care of the dragon fruit garden. For irrigation, just 1-2 times a day. Meanwhile, for manure use a 3-month interval of about 5-10 kg.
To protect the plants from outside attack, clean the garden from the grass and weeds. Do not forget to trim the dragon fruit rod when it has reached 2 meters more.
Use this branch to grow the next clan. After that just waiting for the harvest. Usually 1.5-2 years later.
6. Lighting Lighting
Already many businessmen cultivation dragon fruit that proves that provide lighting to be more fruitful and increase the productivity of dragon fruit. Hence many dragon fruit cultivators do it.
It takes a little patience if you want to develop dragon fruit from scratch. But if you want to quickly harvest, find the seeds from the clan (pieces of mother dragon fruit) then planted on the ground with the procedure above.
If seeding from seeds, surely you have to be extra patient. However, if you want to develop it all for the effort to open the nursery, it depends on you!

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