Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

Cordova - Environment Setup

In this chapter, we will understand the Environment Setup of Cordova. To begin with the setup, we need to first install a few components. The components are listed in the following table.
S.NoSoftware & Description
NodeJS and NPM
NodeJS is the platform needed for Cordova development. Check out our NodeJS Environment Setup for more details.
Android SDK
For Android platform, you need to have Android SDK installed on your machine. Check out Android Environment Setup for more details.
For iOS platform, you need to have xCode installed on your machine. Check out iOS Environment Setup for more details

Installing Cordova

Before we start, you need to know that we will use Windows command prompt in our tutorial.

Step 1 - Installing git

Even if you don't use git, it should be installed since Cordova is using it for some background processes. You can download git here. After you install git, open your environment variable.
  • Right-Click on Computer
  • Properties
  • Advanced System settings
  • Environment Variables
  • System Variables
  • Edit
Copy the following at the end of the variable value field. This is default path of the git installation. If you installed it on a different path you should use that instead of our example code below.
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd
Now you can type git in your command prompt to test if the installation is successful.

Step 2 - Installing Cordova

This step will download and install Cordova module globally. Open the command prompt and run the following −
C:\Users\username>npm install -g cordova 
You can check the installed version by running −
C:\Users\username>cordova -v 
This is everything you need to start developing the Cordova apps on Windows operating system. In our next tutorial, we will show you how to create first application.

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