Kamis, 10 Agustus 2017

Aurelia - Routing

Routing is important part of every application. In this chapter we will show you how to use router in Aurelia framework.

Step 1 - Create Pages

We already created components folder in one of the former tutorials. If you don't have it created already, you should place it inside src folder.
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src>mkdir components
Inside this folder we will create home and about directories.
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components>mkdir home
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components>mkdir about
Inside home folder we need to create view and view-model files.
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components\home>touch home.js
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components\home>touch home.html
We also need view and view-model for about page.
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components\about>touch about.js
C:\Users\username\Desktop\aureliaApp\src\components\about>touch about.html
NOTE − You can also create all above folders manually.

Step 2 - Pages

Next thing we need is to add some default code to the files we created.




export class Home {}




export class About {}

Step 3 - Router

We will create view-model for router inside app.js file.


export class App {
   configureRouter(config, router){
      config.title = 'Aurelia';
         { route: ['','home'],  name: 'home',  
            moduleId: './components/home/home',  nav: true, title:'Home' },
         { route: 'about',  name: 'about',
            moduleId: './components/about/about',    nav: true, title:'About' }

      this.router = router;
Our router view will be placed in app.html


         <li repeat.for = "row of router.navigation">
            <a href.bind = "row.href">${row.title}</a>
When we run the app, we will can change routes by clicking home or about links.
Aurelia Routing Example

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