Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

4 Your Signs Are Saturated Blogging, Have You Experienced It?

Blogging or running blogging activity is the middle of a trend favored by many people of Indonesia. With a variety of motives and goals, the bloggers (designation for the perpetrators of blogging) run this blog management activities diligently. Even so serious, these bloggers often forget the time and other important agenda.
But bloggers are also a human, of course, at certain times will experience saturation conditions, whatever they like in this blogging activity. This saturation can be caused by a long time span is in front of the screen or because it has been too long to do the same activities.

The Importance of Knowing Alerts Is Already Blogging

Well, when a blogger is feeling bored with blogging activity, then they should stop for a while to rest or refresh (refreshing). Unfortunately, not all bloggers realize that he is saturated and finally continue to force themselves to blog.
When bloggers force themselves to continue blogging in saturated conditions, then this will affect the quality of writing is decreased. And if the quality of writing decreased it is very likely to decrease the number of visitors or visitors blog gradually. For that is actually strongly recommended to bloggers when it has saturated blogging for a rest or refreshing. This is done so that the mind and body back fresh and powerful again.
But what are the signs that bloggers are saturated? Here are the signs.

1. Experiencing an Idea Impasse

The first sign that bloggers are in a state of saturation is experiencing a deadlock of ideas. After a few days of writing articles for blogs could be suddenly bloggers experience a deadlock idea to write articles. Well, when you experience this, then it could be that you are actually in a state of saturation. It does not mean that the idea deadlock is caused entirely by the saturation factor alone. Because looking for ideas for writing your own blog is not an easy matter.
Often though we have been resting and refreshing we also have not been able to find ideas for blog posts. However, in the event of a deadlock the idea does not mean then signs of boredom saturation can be ignored. Because when bloggers feel bored, then they generally will be very difficult to get the idea of ​​writing for his blog article.

2. Very Frequent Writing Typo

Next, a sign that blogger is actually in a state of saturated blogging is often he wrote wrong (typo). Indeed when writing an article we sometimes can not avoid the name of the typo. Writing using a keyboard can indeed be and reasonable when there is a typo, but what if then mistakes write this often happens in one article? Of course this is not natural anymore. Yes, if there is a lot of typing errors then this usually happens because of a cause which one of them is due to saturation.
Yes, when the mind is saturated with blogging activity bloggers generally decreased the concentration of writing and also became less attention to his typed words. As a result, writing in the form of words and sentences seen a lot of mistakes. For example when you want to type the word "Success" instead of typing "Suskes" many times.

3. Difficulty in Word Words

You find it difficult to string up word for word into a sentence? Alert, you may be exposed to saturation in blogging. A saturated mind in any activity including blogging can cause us difficulties working on an activity, including also stringing words.
However, how long time stringing words can be said that bloggers are saturated? Of course this is back on each blogger. The point is if you write an article much longer than usual then this can already be a sign that you are in a state of boredom saturated. Immediately stop writing first, refresh the mind by refreshing to do anything else you like.
4. Can not Concentrate In Writing
Finally, the sign that a blogger is already in a state of saturated blogging is when he is difficult to focus or can not concentrate while writing. When you experience this then you should not force yourself to continue to create content because the results will not be good.
Try to understand yourself and do an analysis of the quality of the content when you are writing articles. The better your concentration ability with uninterrupted environment support, the better is your mind condition so as to produce quality content. Conversely, the more disturbance that comes to you when writing content for the blog, then it can make you more immersed in a state of saturation and stress.
So how, do you currently need refreshing?

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