Senin, 31 Juli 2017

Understanding Complete Computer

Understanding Complete Computers - derived from the Latin computare that means 'counting', according to one source I found. According to other sources, the origin of the word computer comes from the English compute. However, these two words, though derived from different languages, have the same meaning of "counting". Along with the development of technology, more and more also the field of computer science. Therefore, experts and researchers have little difference in explaining the definition of computers. The definition of the computer or the definition of the computer if described in the opinion of experts is as follows;

Understanding computer 1
The computer is a fast electronic calculating machine that can receive digital input information, then process it according to the program stored in its memory, and produce output in the form of information. The notion of the computer was suggested by Hamacher. (V. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko G. Vranesic, Safwat G. Zaky, Computer Organization (5th Edition), McGraw-Hill, 2001.)

Understanding computer 2
A computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks as follows:
Receive input
Process the input earlier in accordance with the program
Keep the commands and results of processing
Providing output in the form of information
Definition of the above mentioned computer by According to Blissmer (Robert H. Blissmer, Computer Annual, An Introduction to Information Systems 1985-1986 (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons, 1985.)

Understanding computer 3
A computer is a data processor that can perform large calculations quickly, including arithmetic and logical operations, without human intervention. Understanding the above mentioned computer by Fuori (William M. Fuori, Introduction to the Computer: The Tool of Business (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall, 1981.)

Understanding computer 4
A computer is an electronic system for manipulating data quickly and precisely and designed and organized to automatically receive and store input data, process it, and generate output based on instructions already stored in memory.The definition is by Sanders (1985).

Understanding computer 5
A computer is a data processor that can perform large and fast calculations, including large arithmetic calculations or logical operations, without the interference of humans operating during processing. The definition of the computer according to the book Introduction To The Computer, The Tool Of Busines (William M. Fouri),

Understanding computer 6
A computer is a special type of calculator that has certain definite properties. Define the computer according to Introduction To Computers (Gordon B. Davis) book. If we go further, we may find more experts trying to define computers differently. However, in general we can conclude that a computer is an electronic device that can
1. receive input
2.mengolah input
3.memberikan information
4.menggunakan a program stored in computer memory
5.can save the program and processing results
6.serta work automatically.
From the definition there are three important things for a computer. These three important things represent the whole function of the computer, namely;
Input data
data processing
Output data.
To perform input data on a computer, we can use various tools such as mouse, keyboard, digital camera, scanner and others. In data processing fungi, a computer must be able to manipulate data into more useful and more meaningful forms. Information itself is the result of a data processing activity that provides a more meaningful form of a fact. So a computer must be able to perform electronic data processing. Of course this processing depends on how big the ability of software and hardware owned by a computer. In the data output, we recognize various tools that can be used as data output on a computer. Examples of the most common devices we encounter for the output of a computer are printers.

Computer classification
Of the various things, there are various literature that do the classification of computer types. Classification of computer type or kind of computer is generally based on several things namely; 1. Classification of computers based on processed data, Based on the data processed, the type of computer can be classified as follows;
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computers
2. computer classification based on the purpose of its use
Computer For Special Purpose (Special Purpose Computer) Computer For General Purpose (General Purpose Computer)
3. computer classification based on capacity / size
Micro Computer
Mini Computer (Mini Computer)
Small Computer
Medium Computer
Large Computer
Super Computer (Super Computer)
4. Computer classification Based on its generation
First Generation Computers (1946-1959)
Second Generation Computers (1959-1964)
Third Generation Computers (1964-1970)
Fourth Generation Computers (1979-present)
Fifth Generation Computer
Along with the development of the world of technology then maybe the understanding of the Computer itself will experience a shift and even changes in accordance with the context at some time later.
Some Understanding Computers According to Experts
From several books that Jatikom uses for reference there are some experts who define the meaning of computers such as Robert H. Blissmer, VC Hamacher et al, Elias M. Awad, Donald H. Sanderes, Larry Long & Nancy Long, Williams Sawyer and William M. Fuori. Then what do they say about this definition of computer let's see what they say.
Understanding Computer by Robert H. Blissmer
A computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks such as receiving input, processing inputs, storing commands and providing output in the form of information.
Understanding Computer by VC Hamacher et al
A computer is an electronic calculating machine that can quickly receive digital input information, process it according to the program stored in its memory and produce output information.
Understanding Computer by Elias M. Awad
A computer calculator that processes data to be presented in the form of digital data and analog data.
Understanding Computer by Donald H. Sanderes
The computer is an electronic system for manipulating data quickly and precisely and designed and organized to automatically receive and store input data, process it, and produce output under the supervision of a program instruction steps (Operating System) stored in the stored storage ).
Understanding Computer by Larry Long & Nancy Long
Computers are electronic calculators capable of interpre- cation as well as executing program commands for input, output, calculation, and logical operations.
Understanding Computer by Robert H. Blissmer
A computer is an electronic device capable of performing several tasks such as receiving input, processing inputs, storing commands and providing output in the form of information.
Understanding Computer by Larry Long & Nancy Long
A computer is an electronic calculator capable of interpreading and executing program commands for input, output, calculation, and logical operations.
Understanding Computer by Williams, Sawyer
A computer is a programmable multipurpose machine, which receives data (facts & graphics) and processes or manipulates it into information we can use
Understanding Computer by William M. Fuori
A computer is a data processing device that can perform large calculations quickly, including arithmetic and logical operations, without human intervention.

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